Title: Dream Together
The founder and director of the Azzawi Art Foundation
It is just a dream. Generating my artwork from sources of reality, imagination, and dreams, I extract particular scenes and scenarios that I feel accurately or abstractly express human feelings. At times, I bend the image in my own way, further adding fantasy to produce the artwork and achieve my intended vision.
Artist Statement:
My research interests revolve around investigating people’s deep, complicated emotions
and finding innovative ways to express them. I wish to be able to convey peace in war, love in
hate, and life in death. Furthermore, I hope that I can depict my expression of safety as a
necessity and a right to gain for every human living on earth. Due to the great number of
individuals who currently suffer from violence, discrimination and racism in our world, I would
like to emphasize the importance of safety and stability in our everyday life.
Generating my artwork from sources of reality, imagination, and dreams, I extract
particular scenes and scenarios that I feel accurately or abstractly express human feelings. At
times, I bend the image in my own way, further adding fantasy to produce the artwork and
achieve my intended vision.
I hope that the audience becomes engaged through the concepts of peace and love for
others, regardless of the subject’s background, race, gender or ethnicity. Specifically, I hope to
establish my artworks as shared spaces, where audience members of all walks of life can
experience peace, hope, and love.
● Master of Fine Arts, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA, 01/2024.
● Bachelor of Arts, Visual Arts “Studio” Cum Laude, University of California San Diego,
LA Jolla, CA, 06/2020.
● Associate of Arts, University Studies – Humanities & Fine Arts Grossmont College,
El Cajon, CA, 08/2018.
Solo Exhibitions:
● 2005 – Spaces, Sharjah Arab Cultural Center, Sharjah, United Arab
Selected Group Exhibition:
● 2024 MFA in Visual Arts Graduate Exhibition, Lesley University, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, The United States of America.
● 2021: Asian biennale 2021, in Bangladesh, I have been selected and I will participate in
● 2019: +/- Plus/Minus, Lux Art Institute. San Diego, California, The United States of
● 2019: Out OF This World, San Diego, California, The United States of America.
● 2018: Adam D. Kamil Gallery, San Diego, California, The United States of America.
● 2012: National Day (United Arab Emirates), Emirates Fine Arts Society.
● 2011: National Day (United Arab Emirates), Emirates Fine Arts Society.
● 2010: National Day (United Arab Emirates), Emirates Fine Arts Society.
● 2005: Consulate General of India, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
● 2005: Emirates Fine Arts Society, Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates.
● 2005: Crystal art exhibition, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
● 2005: Al Thiqah Club for Handicapped, Reef Mall, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
● 2004: Al Thiqah Club for Handicapped, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Some of my Video Art Projects:
● “Nostalgia” Link https://youtu.be/tzUPOofQ1gI?si=4toRxgOqryKygw6r
● “Ahmed Al Azzawi & You” Link
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